Facts About the Foundation

How the Foundation Works

NANCY’S WAY, Foundation for Future Generations is a donor advised fund within the registered charity and public foundation Canada Gives. NANCY’S WAY foundation makes all of the funding choices, while Canada Gives provides the administration, governance and oversight on behalf of the Foundation.

By working together with Canada Gives, NANCY’S WAY can focus its time and energy on charities with the programs that fit its funding interests and mandate. The longer-term goal will be to develop a finely-tuned mission statement to match Nancy’s inspirational values. All donations to NANCY’S WAY will receive a full tax receipt.

Disbursements from the Foundation can only be made to Canadian registered charities as well as other qualified donors as per the regulations imposed by the CRA. Funds cannot at any time be withdrawn by the account holder. As with all foundations, CRA imposes a minimum withdrawal of 3.5% based on a 24-month rolling average account value, starting in the 2nd year after inception.

All granting decisions will initially be made by George McDonald, in consultation with a group of senior advisors. This group will assist with the strategic development of short- and long-term goals and plans.

How to Donate

All donations to NANCY’S WAY, Foundation for Future Generations will receive a receipt from Canada Gives that can be used for tax purposes.

Donations can be made as follows:

  • Credit card donations can be processed through our website on the “Donate” button in the top menu. You will receive a tax receipt by email once your donation has been completed.
  • Cheques can be mailed to Canada Gives. They should to be made payable to Canada Gives with a note in the memo line to allocate the funds to NANCY’S WAY, Foundation for Future Generations.
  • Please contact Canada Gives to make donations by wire, EFT or a gift of securities in kind
    Canada Gives
    120 Adelaide Street West, Suite 2500
    Toronto, ON M5H 1T1email: info@canadagives.ca1-844-583-4483